EcoOnline public idea portal

Submit your ideas or vote for ideas suggested by other users in the community.

All ideas will be reviewed before they are made visible.

Ideas added to the portal will always be considered for upcoming and ongoing projects.

For further information, please read the Idea portal Q&A.

Improvement for risk mapping

This new feature, risk mapping (riskinkartoitus in Finnish, sorry if I use false English word), is definitely an improvement. However, I would like to suggest an improment to it. At least in Finnish version, when storage and usage amounts of chemicals are selected, there are four different options to select from. These options only include words to describe the amounts. I think it would be useful, if, in addition to words, there were limits for amounts given. Now it feels I just have to decide myself, which amount is little and which is a lot etc.

  • Guest
  • Jan 18 2018
  • Will not implement
  • Nov 24, 2021

    Admin response

    Thank you for your contribution. We really appreciate your idea, but at the moment this suggestion is not applicable.

    Please keep up the good work and continue to share your ideas with us.

    Kind Regards, the EcoOnline Production Team

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    • Guest commented
      March 14, 2018 11:42

      I agree - it would be more useful to add real amounts than just to choose between four relative amounts in words (a choice which nevertheless is based on knowledge on real amounts).