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Add a simple way to add other chemical risks to inventory

In Sweden, companies are obliged to add all chemical risks to their inventory to risk assess. This means not only classified chemical products, but also chemical risks in their processes such as open tanks of boiling water, frying oil, dust from decidious trees (can cause cancer). As for today, customers can add this in  Local publisher, but this is a difficult process. 

Idea: (se attached file)

We could add a way to add a chemical risk in the inventory and fill in less information and maybe attach a file. An easier way than using the whole sdseditor in local publisher. A admin button could be placed when in the product view or a location where you could choose add product from search, or add chemical risk manually. The form would include date, name of chemical risk, a description field of the risks and a possibility to attach a document about the chemical risk. This would make it much simplier than using Local publisher for this. Arbetsmiljöverket in Sweden are especially looking at the the chemical inventories and whether they have added other chemical risks or not, so this would simplify this work for the customers. 

  • Guest
  • Dec 3 2018
  • Recieved
  • Attach files