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"Actual risk" should be available in reports and in the "Active products" view

I would like to have "Actual risk" more accessible.

I suggest to add "Actual Risk" as an extra view to the drop-down menu (where you can find views such as "Standard" and "Risk Assessment"). Then you could easily change view to actual risk that also may be printed or exported to excel, and passed on to the manager or stored as documentation.

"Actual risk" and the other fields in the measures function should be available as fields in the report function.



I think the whole purpose of carrying out risk reduction and measures is to be able to generate an overview of actual risk. For instance, a manager will benefit greatly from this in order to quickly see what remains of unacceptable risk. Today, EcoOnline Chemical Manager is only displaying the actual risk of each individual chemical in the risk assessment report. Thus, there is little motivation to put measures and risk reduction into EcoOnline, without being able to generate data on an overall view. 

Similarly, the view "Location" will not display actual risk, and may instead display higher risk than what is real, if measures and risk reduction have been implemented.


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  • Aug 16 2019
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