EcoOnline public idea portal

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Risk assessment - Storage conditions

In the Risk assessment you can add information about amounts stored. It would be highly relevant to also include a field where you could add information about HOW the product is stored. This would highlight more risks and more actions could be added. I have used the general comment field for this for some of our chemicals, but I think this should be made more visible - It should affect the risk weighting directly (orange, red etc) if the storage conditions are not optimal.

  • Guest
  • May 20 2019
  • Will not implement
  • Nov 29, 2021

    Admin response

    Thank you for your contribution. We really appreciate your idea, but at the moment this suggestion is not applicable. In the new solution for risk assessments it is possible to add additional risk matrix where you can include this information in your report.

    Please keep up the good work and continue to share your ideas with us.

    Kind Regards, the EcoOnline Production Team

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  • Admin
    Sigthrudur Osk Kristinsdottir commented
    4 Oct, 2019 06:17am

    I forbindelse med spørsmål om lokasjonsbeholdning så burde det også stilles spørsmål til hvordan kjemikaliet lagres. Da vil flere risikoer synliggjøres og flere tiltak kan legges til. Jeg har til nå skrevet det som en kommentar under enkelte kjemikalier, men det burde vært gjort mer synlig, altså komme ut som 4 (oransje) eller 5 (rødt) om lagringsforholdene ikke er optimale.