EcoOnline public idea portal

Submit your ideas or vote for ideas suggested by other users in the community.

All ideas will be reviewed before they are made visible.

Ideas added to the portal will always be considered for upcoming and ongoing projects.

For further information, please read the Idea portal Q&A.

Using tags to categorise your products

To have the possiblity to add one or several tags (selfdefined) would make the work in CM more efficient. When a product is for example identified to require training before use, if it could be tagged with that, it would be easier for both the user of the chemical and the administrator to keep track of these kind of products. Also, accoring to the regulations in Sweden you should show if a product is subject to special regulations and using tags would be an easy way to show that. In ALMEGO there is a nice functionality for using tags which I believe would be even more usable in CM.

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  • Oct 12 2023
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