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Improved product search in the app

Add a new standard field in the Chemical Manager and the app to be able to add your own customized product names or product groups. The name on the SDS and the name on tha product label doesn't always match. In my opinion, to make it easier to find correct product must be highest priority. Today, if you do not know name on the SDS, it can be difficult to find the correct product. If you add an additional field for product names, then each company can decide themself the best way to search for their products.

  • Guest
  • May 28 2020
  • Released
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    • Admin
      Sigthrudur Osk Kristinsdottir commented
      October 08, 2020 13:47

      It is possible to add internal synonyms to any product added to locations. These can be shown in a dedicated column in the new design and you are able to search for products (internal search) with the parameters given in the synonym. Each product can have multiple synonyms.

      As a system administrator you can set the global view for all users in the application in the company settings. Pairing these two functionalities you can display the Synonym as a default column in the product lists for all users: