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It should be possible to write the names of the peoople involved and responsible of a riskassessment. This is a requirement from Arbetsmiljöverket!

If for example some people in the production  are responsible to do a riskassessment of a chemical they use and they have one common administrator password their names are not in the risk report.

  • Guest
  • May 16 2019
  • Recieved
  • Aug 5, 2019

    Admin response

    This is a valid point, however, users should never share passwords. Each administrative user is personal and should not be shared.

    As is today, the logged in user is displayed in the end report. As there is no specific field for this in todays solution, I would recommend using one of the general comment fields to identify multiple ppl involved in the assessment.

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    • Guest commented
      May 23, 2023 09:26

      I also disagree with admin´s response

    • Guest commented
      August 13, 2019 06:01

      This point has nothing to do with sharing passwords. If I as an administrator help some colleagues with the documentation of a riskassessment but they are responsible and tell me what to put in the document, my name shouldn't be on top of the report. It would be much better with a field where you can write the names of the responsible. The name of the logged in person could be in the end of the report. Not everyone who needs to be involved in the riskassessments have a password, why some administrators might help them with the documentation in ECOonline.