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Mandatory fields in publisher editor

Define label information, substances and protection sheet info mandatory in order to make reports complete.

  • Guest
  • Oct 20 2017
  • Recieved
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    30 Nov, 2018 11:04am

    I have talked about it with ECO for such a long time, so I am really happy that this has become a topic again! I have also been i a dialog with suppliers of our chemicals and asked them to add this information. I got an interesting information from some of them- especially for those with very few employees, adding information in section 3 is quite challenging, because they have to register each component in their database first. I have done it also and I know that it takes a lot of time to register a component (if you want to register full and correct information). The component modyle should be a part of the database and NOT an extra, paid module!

  • Guest commented
    10 Apr, 2018 07:27am

    This is really needed for the short versions of the SDS as there are so many companies that just upload a PDF and no other information. There are also competitors of EcoOnline that uses the short versions to upload their produced SDS with no other information, which degrades the database.