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It would be very helpful if the chemical inventory list both showed manufacturers (origin) of a chemical, and who the (internally approved) supplier of the chemical, is.
By doing this, users would have a simple task of finding out who the company has approved as suppliers of a chemical, and who actually manufactures the chemical (where it originates from).
In today's chemical inventory, it is not easy to separate who the manufacturer is and who the supplier is.
Making it even more confusing: The supplier can also be a national/continental importer of a chemical, with yet another regional/local supplier in between. This makes it difficult for an inventory keeper to correctly keep track of who the actual (direct and approved) supplier of a chemical is. With regards to compliance and sertification of supply chains, this is very important. Also there is the benefit to keep track of which chemical supplier one is supposed to use (e.g. based on supplier deals and arrangements).
A possible solutions to this is to use the selfdefined fields. Today you have the possibility to add your own fields. One suggestion could be to add your own Supplier column and fill that informtion out yourself, if you know the supplier for each product. The information can be added on a system level or locally with different suppliers for each location for the same product.
Please contact your EcoOnline support team if you need more information about how to use selfdefined fields.