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All ideas will be reviewed before they are made visible.
Ideas added to the portal will always be considered for upcoming and ongoing projects.
For further information, please read the Idea portal Q&A.
When making a risk assessment in the new solution it would be good if there was less required fields when you want to save the risk assessment as a draft. Now you need to fill in quite a lot information just to save as a draft.
It is now possible to save as draft without filling out all required fields. Remember to enter title though.
/CM Management
The risk assessment templates provided by EcoOnline is ajusted to the national legaíslation of each country. The local products specilaists in each country have edited these templates to fit the requirements in each country. If anything needs to be ajusted, please contact your local support team and they can keep the dialogue with the product specilaist. The templates can be changed if necessary, but remember that there are some things that might be legislative minimum requirement for a risk assessment.