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Ability to use the legislation tool on sub-locations.

I like the feature below:


The only thing that is stupid is that one cannot use the reports on sub-locations. It would be very useful to be able to use the legislation tool on sub-locations.

  • Guest
  • Aug 16 2019
  • Released
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    • Admin
      Caroline Larsson commented
      June 17, 2024 20:32
      Sublocations are now default selection in the legislation list solution. They can be deselected if needed, but the choice is now with the user whether to include them or not.
    • Admin
      Sigthrudur Osk Kristinsdottir commented
      October 04, 2019 06:48

      I presume that you mean that there should be a way to be able to look at the list from one location level, and select to include sub-locations as well? It is possible in the new design to view it location by location, but we have not added the option to include sub-locations (like we have in the list of products where you can tick a box to include sub-locations in the count).