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Chemical Approval - Possible to add users to Chemical board groups even if they are locked to a location

If a user is locked to a location, it is not possible to add the user to a Chemical board group. It should be possible to add them to the board group connected to locations they have access to.

  • Guest
  • Nov 28 2023
  • Released
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    19 Mar, 2024 08:23am

    This is crucial for large organizations. They don't want to give every user access to all locations.

  • Guest commented
    5 Dec, 2023 02:14pm

    Decision groups can be many different combinations of people and they can be connected to one Business Area but must not have visibility into another Business Area. Fix this, otherwise the need to work with decision groups disappears, because then you can only have one per company.