EcoOnline public idea portal

Submit your ideas or vote for ideas suggested by other users in the community.

All ideas will be reviewed before they are made visible.

Ideas added to the portal will always be considered for upcoming and ongoing projects.

For further information, please read the Idea portal Q&A.

Only visibility of amount and actions for the locations you access to

It is confusing if you can see Actions and Amounts for the entire company, even if you are locked down to one location. It would be great if you would only be able to see the amounts and actions for the locations that you have access to.

For big accounts this is especially impractical since you might mistake an action taken by a different location as your own, and then not creating an action for your department, since one already exists.

This is also something which has been pointed out by several users lately.

  • Guest
  • Oct 24 2022
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