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Add a second/parallel location hierarchy/tree

I would like to have the possibility to have a second location hierarchy/tree:

The construction of a product inventory location tree may typically be divided into the organization's departements/units and the product's physical location. However, in large organizations, there may not always be one single direct line from an organizational location to physical location. Instead, one physical location may have several organizational locations and vice versa.

Therefore, a second location tree would be very useful. Then one would be able to define for instance one organizational location and one physical location for each product. Thus, there would be much easier to generate relevant reports for leaders for one physical location (such as a school) and leaders for a part of the organization (such as for cleaners which operates at several schools).

  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2018
  • Will not implement
  • Jul 31, 2018

    Admin response

    It is possible to set up your existing location structure in this way. 
    If you define several "top level" locations, you can freely add different organizational and/or physical location under these. In this way you can have several "separate" structures, allowing you to generate relevant reports at all levels as described in the idea.

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    • Guest commented
      August 14, 2018 06:09

      I just noticed the "Beredsskapsstruktur" ("Preparedness structure") - is this a relative new function? This "Beredskapsstruktur" may be used for my purpose, but merging locations for organisational levels instead of merging locations for complete buildings (since most top locations already are sub-location for a building location).

    • Guest commented
      August 07, 2018 09:33

      The structure may of course be set up like you suggest with exisiting function. However, then one must have duplicates of all product entries, which is not desirable at all. If each product at a physical location had an extra field for entry of an organisational affiliation (thus, not a visible tree, but only an extra field which is available for reports), then reporting through physical locations and parts of the organisation would be much more powerful.