EcoOnline public idea portal

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Scanning bar-codes on products

We would like the option to scan bar-codes for the products on location to check if they are added to the inventory and add them if they are not. 

  • Guest
  • Jun 22 2018
  • Released
  • Aug 22, 2018

    Admin response

    This option is already in place. If you use the Eco Archive app to scan bar-codes, you will get a hit in your local inventory (if added locally) and the EcoOnline database. 

    However, the function is dependent on the supplier adding the GTIN-number to the SDS directly and the situation today is that the supplier hardly ever does this.

    We hope to see more and more SDSs with GTIN added in the future and are open to more ideas on how to solve this (preferably without too much local administration for our users).

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