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Add a field "Area of use" to local/global product information.

A standard field "Area of use" would be useful in global product information. Area of use could be used to add information on how the product is being used in the company. This field could be shown in location standard view and also product information view. This field would be especially useful for Read-users to see in the location standard view what the product if being used for. A read-user could more easily understand which product the register refers to in relation to their actual workplace. 

This information would also be useful to display in the report "OHS chemical report" in standard reports. In the swedish legislation "Förordning (1998:901) om verksamhetsutövares egenkontrol" the chemical inventory should include information on area of use:

7 § "omfattning och användning av produkten eller organismen"

  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2018
  • Under consideration
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    • Guest commented
      January 27, 2022 07:57

      Good idea!! This information is a demand in the swedish legislation, and without that the chemical list in EcoOnline is not according to swedish law.

    • Guest commented
      January 05, 2021 09:05

      This is a very good idea!
      The customers should also be able to choose "Area of use" as a column in their chemical register.