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Search for synonyms with reference to CAS number during chemicals search

The search for chemical names is currently too specific, with no regard to making a wider search for synonyms in case the product is registered in another language or if different nomenclatures are used.

I would like the search engine to be a little more clever, and give suggestions for similarly spelled or synonymous products/chemicals.

Google does this rather well, but it could be too imprecise for this application.

My easy way out suggestion would be to look up synonyms with reference to the CAS number. Each CAS number should have a list of synonyms, either based on some chemicals database, or the registered substance in EcoOnline.

I usually circumvent this by looking up the CAS number in Google, but that is extra work for me, when EcoOnline could have  provided this service automatically.



  • Guest
  • Jan 25 2018
  • Will not implement
  • Jun 6, 2018

    Admin response

    The search engine in the new Eco Archive is more flexible in regard to spelling, it includes search for user-defined synonyms and product titles in other languages when the SDS has been translated.

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