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More dynamic to jump between market and language when creating SDS.

Today you create an sds for the market that are connected to the language you select. Those countries with two languages have their special language (Swedish for Finland and French for Belgium) but what if you want to produce sds in another language/market-combination? For example English as a service to your customers in Denmark or Poland? They might have workers from other countries and want the producer to supply them with sds in English. As of today, the only way to produce an English sds is to choose English language, but that means all the substances are according to UK legislation, not Denish or Polish legislation. Is should be easier to combine language and market as you please. Something to select as you create a new sds/new version?

Maybe you choose the language you want to create your sds in, and in areas whit national legislation there could be a list of all markets and you can pick which market you want to place your product on. Example: Create an English sds, and where you import substances (section 3) you can tic a box for desired market/legislation before importing the substance to the sds, just like you allready pick and choose parameters before importing today.

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  • Jan 14 2019
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