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Be able to set a standard to show more than 10 rows

As of right now 10 rows or lines is a standard in the publisher view. You do have the option to select f.ex 100 rows but it gets reset the moment you "add a new version",  so if you need to edit several different documents having 10 and going back and forth is very time consuming. 

Same goes with the order you want to sort the documents, it gets reset when you add a new version.

So i recommend looking into it and fix these issues.

  • Guest
  • Feb 15 2018
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Sigthrudur Osk Kristinsdottir commented
    7 May, 2018 07:38am

    We are working on a rebuild of all our applications. This improvement will be implemented when Publisher is moved to the new framework.