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Gather all report functions in system

Group all Reports under one heading in the administration menu.

  • Guest
  • Oct 20 2017
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  • Admin
    Caroline Larsson commented
    29 Mar, 2021 03:22pm

    All types of reports are now gathered under one header called Reports in new Chemical Manager. Not all reports are yet moved from old to new CM, but that is an ongoing project that will continue until all needed features are moved to new CM. At least now we have a place for all reports to be gathered under.

    Chemical Manager Team.

  • Guest commented
    2 Feb, 2018 03:26pm

    Group all Reports under one heading in the administration menu.

    Today reports occur in different places of the system and a lot of customers have difficulties finding the Environmental report and the standard reports. It is not logical where to find which report.

    Instead there should be one heading in the administration menu called Reports gathering all kinds of reports. It could contain different tabs depending on which Additional products that the customer has bought. Reports that should be moved to this title are: Standard reports, Environmental report, Reporter and Exposure report. If you are looking for a report it is logical that this report can be found under Reports. It is also a way to make the standard reports and the Environmental report more visible.