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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit D-I-37 Publisher Distribution improvements.

Publisher Distribution Merged

Documents that cannot be emailed directly because the proper email-address is missing are now sent to a predetermined address.

It would be really good from customer perspective, if set of safety data sheet pdfs could be sent either

  1. a) to a different email-address depending on the uploaded file (specifying one country for example) OR
  2. b) add some identification like the name of the file on the subject field in one form or another

Example Format of the file name we are passing to the Ecoonline at the moment: **99160414.CSV where -

** stands for company name -

99 shows the company/country (this is an internal ID) -

160414 is the date

This text string in the subject field could help us a lot to process the contents of the email further. Anyway, any detailed indication in the subject field or email body even and/or multiple recipient addresses would do.

  • Guest
  • Oct 11 2017
  • Recieved