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Risk Assessment Template Language - Create a general English template that is not UK specific

The content and format of the risk assessment templates is quite different depending on the language selected for the risk assessment. We are a Norwegian company, but use English as our working language. When doing a risk assessment in English, the template is specific to the UK regulation. We would like an English version of the Norwegian risk assessment template 'Risikovurdering v.2 (EcoOnline)' so that we can complete our risk assessments in English, and be consistent with how the risk assessments were carried out using the past templates. The older version of chemical manager had the same risk assessment template in both English and Norwegian, so the risk assessment was carried out the same way regardless of which language it was carried out in.

  • Guest
  • Sep 14 2021
  • Released
  • Sep 9, 2024

    Admin response

    Country and Language are now treated as two separate things. A template can therefor now be created for a specific country or be set to Global, and in whatever language we provide in Chemical Manager today.

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