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Tool to estimate annual usage, and add the chemicals we need to order in a cart like shopping online

We are a rather small business where many people have several duties and not necessarily with the proper knowledge.

Today we estimate many of the needs in regards of gloves, chemicals, paper and so on.

In order to make most of our systems I think it would be great if we could add the chemicals we need to order in a cart like shopping online.

This will of course be a fake cart that will have only one task: help out to learn the annual usage.

The list of the needed chemicals must be possible to export to email, TEAMS or any other suitable program.

This list can feature “total ordered so far in 2021” and similar interesting informations.

I think I search for something like a dashboard for the usage of chemicals spread over different periods of time. Like the statistics hinted about the profile in Learning Manager.

The funcion shall automatically calculate the annual need so that we can plan to either replace the product or minimise the usage.

And this annual usage can either be automatically or manually copied into Chemical Manager to be visible in an own column in the overview.

  • Guest
  • Feb 10 2021
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