EcoOnline public idea portal

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Access to Global search for "Read and write" right

We need those with the rights "Read and write" to have access to search globally and access the entire database, not only the Eco Center, but also the Eco Plus database.Is it possible to add that access to this right?

  • Guest
  • Jan 18 2021
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
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    • Admin
      Caroline Larsson commented
      March 27, 2021 16:00

      This can be done by administrators with access to User management in old Chemical Manager interface. Look for the tab called Groups and select the group called Standard Read and Write. There you can add and remove access to lots of features for your Read and Write users.

      If you need any help with this, or if you are missing the group Standard Read and Write, please reach out to your EcoOnline contact person or EcoOnline support to get help with this.

      /Chemical Manager Team