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In addition to the consumption of chemicals we wold like to display what’s in stock.

  • Guest
  • Sep 23 2020
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Caroline Larsson commented
    11 Feb, 2021 05:30pm

    Chemical Manager offers two types of amount registration today: Stored amount and annual amount. Stored amount can be managed either by adding and substracting amounts from a previous value (Add/Remove amount) to get a current status. Or it can be added as a set value where you type in the amount you want to display. This value can be either the current value you have today, and changed whenever the amount in stock is changed, or it can be the maximum amount you normally stored.
    Annual amount can be either set as a value, or calculated from all "Removed" posts you have registered if you use the Add/Remove functionalty for stored amount.