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Possibility to see when a SDS has been reviewed

Today there is one date in Chemical Manager - the date of when the SDS was produced.

I would like to be able to see when the SDS was actually reviewed, meaning when someone actually investigated if there was a newer version of the SDS.

The issue is if an SDS has an old "REVIDERAT" date, we do not know if there is not a newer version of the SDS or if the person responsible has missed to check for updates.

So I would like to have two columns, one for when the SDS is from and one when the SDS was reviewed. The date in the second column should preferably not be more than one year old, as reviews should be done at least yearly, whilst the first column can be old depending on the vendor, if they have not done any updates with the SDS.


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  • Aug 13 2020
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