EcoOnline public idea portal

Submit your ideas or vote for ideas suggested by other users in the community.

All ideas will be reviewed before they are made visible.

Ideas added to the portal will always be considered for upcoming and ongoing projects.

For further information, please read the Idea portal Q&A.

Make it easier to move or delete SDS from "expired" section back into "products"

When moving or deleting SDS from "products" you can move/delete the entire portfolio in one action. The other way around you have to take one and one SDS.

When by mistake you have moved an entire portfolio to expired the workload is insane when it comes to move the sds back into products.

Please change that.

  • Guest
  • Apr 30 2020
  • Already exists
  • May 20, 2020

    Admin response

    This has been significantly improved in the new design.
    Open the application in the new design, find your location, show archived products and select the products you want to reactivate:)

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