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New options for registering exposures

Registration in Eco Exposure requires that you state the frequency and duration of the exposure. This is very rigid and often gives a false accuracy. Many tasks do not have a fixed frequency and duration of the jobs. Examples of these are maintenance jobs.

For regular exposure, there should have been a greater opportunity to register by describing the job / exposure / frequency in the comments field - ie more in the form of free text. It should also be possible to connect more employees to a type of exposure e.g. by creating "templates" for different exposure conditions in a workplace and can "connect" the relevant employees.

There is no requirement in the Regulations on the performance of work that the registration must take place exactly in hours and minutes - this is in practice almost impossible for regular exposure. For individual events, the situation is somewhat different.

  • Guest
  • Mar 23 2020
  • Released
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  • Admin
    Sigthrudur Osk Kristinsdottir commented
    July 03, 2022 12:36

    Linking to multiple ppl in a single exposure is now available in the new Exposure module as well as the option to have different templates that fit the need of the company better.
    In relation to the frequency of exposure, we will consider more options for this suggestion moving forward.