EcoOnline public idea portal

Submit your ideas or vote for ideas suggested by other users in the community.

All ideas will be reviewed before they are made visible.

Ideas added to the portal will always be considered for upcoming and ongoing projects.

For further information, please read the Idea portal Q&A.

QR code as an option in chemical list (show/hide columns) which is visible when a PDF list is created.

We need to put content declaration lists outside chemical cabinets in the production. If a worker needs to use a chemical from the cabinet he/she need to know how to protect himself, for example what gloves to use. We intend to inform about this in  self defined protection sheets. If the QR code is available in the list, one for each chemical, it's easy for the worker to find the protection sheet for the chemical he will use. 


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  • Dec 18 2019
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