EcoOnline public idea portal

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Generate a printable list of products in a location/sub-location

Maintaining control of content in chemical storage lockers - there should be an option to print an overview of chemicals (not archived) in a professional print format (i.e pdf) to put on lockers. The print-out must be readable with a good size font. An option to add a heading to the print would allow the user to name the document i.e "This location should only contain the following products".

Excel is too cumbersome and not all employees know how to use the format in a good way.

  • Guest
  • May 21 2019
  • Released
  • Mar 29, 2021

    Admin response

    Products in locations and sublocations are now possible to print as PDF. Select columns and filter to customise the list.

    Adding your own header is split out from this idea. Vote for idea CM-I-898 to follow the progress of that suggestion.

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