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Halfway risk assessment should appear in status

When it comes to the design of the Chemical Manager in the "risk assessments" view, I want to be able to write a small note in the status column.
If I am halfway in the risk assessment and need to save, because I need to get more info, then have to record somewhere else to keep track. Nowhere is it shown if the risk assessment is completely finished, or half-finished, without opening for assessment again. When the text "Should be checked" in the status column disappears when saving, then the field should be able to be opened for notes, or alternatively give a roll list of choices.
One thought may also be that on the last page of the risk assessment more choices are made than simply "saving". There might be, for example, "should be supplemented" "wait for info" "request new SDB" or similar in a roll list. The choice you make must then appear in the status line.

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  • Apr 16 2019
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