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QR code should be connected to location

We have had problems with QR codes that have stopped working in several places. When scanning the code you get an empty chemical list.

The explanation for this problem is that, if the product from which the QR code is created is removed from the chemical register, the QR code is unfortunately broken. The products are replaced and replaced more often. However, the sites do not change that often. Therefore, it is more appropriate to use the sites when you want to create a QR code.

According to our procedures for the use and registration of chemicals, there should be QR codes in each location. We have had several deviations due to this problem. Therefore, it is important for us to find a sustainable solution.

  • Guest
  • Apr 4 2019
  • Released
  • Apr 9, 2019

    Admin response

    We are working on remaking the QR-link function in the new design.

    The function will allow the users to print QR-links directly connected to the location and/or for products (multiprint).

    The whole function will be rewritten and modernized to eliminate the type of issue described here.

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