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Add standard US and Canadian chemical related regulations into Chemical Manager Legislation Lists

Could the following be added into the Chemical Manager legislation lists and data be available when creating reports and custom reports on the Reports and Analytics module. Attached USA list is provided on behalf of a customer. Canadian requirements to be provided separately.

  • 40 CER part 63, NESHAP, Subparts A and Subpart ZZZZ for stationary reciproacting Internal Combusting Engines.

  • 40 CER part 63, subpart ZZZZ by meeting the requirements for 40 CFS 60, NSPS subpart 1111 for compression ignition engines or 40 CFS 60 for, NSPS subpart JJJJ for spart ignition engines.

  • Guest
  • Sep 7 2023
  • Recieved
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