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Exposure reporting improvements for Finnish ASA reporting

Employers have specific reporting duties (so called ASA-reporting) related to carcinogens and mutagens in Finland. The current Exposure module is a good start, but we need the following features to make it really feasible in Finland:

-More columns to the Exposure history, at least the following fields: Concentration, Reason for exposure, Type of work, The nature of the exposure and Exposure level

-Add a standard free text field for the substance identifier (so called “ASA-numero” in Finnish) to Smartforms for Exposure templates and the corresponding column to Exposure history.

-Add a possibility to open and download an exposure report from the Exposure history, similar to risk reports

-Add mass printing for Exposure reports

Nice to have:

-Product information fields to Smartforms (amounts and internal number etc)

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  • Mar 16 2023
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