EcoOnline public idea portal

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Ability to change unit type in Edit productinformation

It would be good if you can add the possibility to change the unit type in product information. Today if you have added an amount for a product for example in Liter you will then always get units in the form of liquids as alternatives. If you want to change the unit type to example Kg then you have to go to the old solution of Chemical manager. It would save a lot of work if this possibility existed in the new CM in edit product information.

  • Guest
  • Jan 3 2023
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  • Guest commented
    5 Sep, 2023 06:48am

    Instämmer helt i detta förslag. Vid varje ändring måste man ändå välja enhet. Det finns ingen rimlig anledning att inte samtidigt kunna ändra mellan vikt och volym.