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Linking to more than one product in Chemical Risk Assessment and Risk Assessment (Smart forms)

Ability to linking (not only showing content!) in the Chemical Risk Assessment. Right now you can only link to one SDS. Adding info from a second SDS will not link (and be updated).

Ability to linking and showing user friendly information when linking two or more SDS to the risk assessment / Smart form. Today you can link to two or more SDSs, and it shows nicely in the template, but in the final print all info from all products are mixed in one text field so you are not able to tell which info comes from which product. Actually the template is more usefull (since the info is shown there), so it would be nice if the final print could be more user friendly in showing the info.

> Not only showing content, but also linking (and hence updating) content from more than one SDS in a (chemical ) risk assessment.

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  • Dec 19 2022
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