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QR codes should be possible to add in show/hide columns

In case of an emergency where you need to bring a SDS to the hospital, you should be able to find the SDS as fast as possible.

We have Chemical Manager on computers in our production. Today you can search for the chemical, click on the chemicals "SPS", scan the QR code in the SPS with your phone, and then you have the electronic SDS, which you can bring to the hospital.

If the QR code was already visible in the chemicals list, you could skip the step of opening the SPS.

As the QR codes already exist, it should be a fairly easy step for the programmers to implement.

Today we make posters for each department with QR codes for each chemical. All of them need to be manually updated and this manual work leaves room for mistakes.

  • Guest
  • Sep 26 2022
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    • Guest commented
      January 11, 2023 06:59

      If you can uset the CM mobile app, you don't even need the QR-codes. :)

    • Guest commented
      September 27, 2022 11:26

      Thank you for your suggestion.
      Have you tried Multiple printout of QR codes?
      This feature creates a printable product list with QR codes.