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Show summed stored amount and annual amount of a product per account, not only per location.

There are some amounts that needs to be kept track off on organization level according to Swedish legislation. 

Stored amount: A company needs to keep track of how much flamable goods (flashpoint <100 C) they store and handle at any given time. There are some limits to how much flamable goods can be stored. What is desired is a figure of the toltal amount of a product per location and per the whole organization. 

Annual amount: Most orgnizations with environmental impact needs to keep track of the annual amount of chemicals use. The total annual amount of a product therefore needs to be easy to find, not only per location but per organization.

The figures must off course be presented in a way that makes it possible to summarize the toltal amount of several products when extracted to Excel. 

  • Guest
  • Mar 5 2019
  • Recieved
  • Apr 9, 2019

    Admin response

    We recently released a new function in the new design that includes a smarter and more efficient way to add and remove amount (amount transactions). In addition to that, all companies that use the amount registration in the new design (and those that used transaction based registrations in the old design) now have access to a detailed amounts report.

    The report does not show the classification of chemicals, but it has options that allow the company to show all transaction made on location or company level, and includes date filters and a filter to display a products total transaction.

    With this report the company can easily see how much has been used in a specific period of time, in the whole inventory or within a specific location(s).

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    • Guest commented
      December 19, 2019 14:06

      In/out is a good function for those using it. Not everyone register every out-transaction for every can of paint they empty.