EcoOnline public idea portal

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Function to flag chemicals approved / not approved

I am missing a function that allows us to "flag" products that are not apporoved for all workplaces in the company.

Everybody that works in the company can search for products locally in the system to see if they are registered in the company allready but there is no option for me as an administrator
to "flag" the products that are only approved for use in for example our laboratories.

I.e. "Oliver", workin in maintenance logs in and searches for Acetone locally - if he finds the product he assumed that he can buy and use Acetone for his maintenance purposes, but the chemical group
in the company has decided that Aceton is only approved for use in the laboratories.

It would be great if the system could let Oliver know that the product he found is only for use in specific areas of the company

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  • Sep 14 2018
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