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1. We are missing the search function for finding our products through Intern number global.
2. In the filter list the Intern number just show the local Intern number, and not the global.
The reason for using the intern number, is to be sure to find the right SDS if you have a lot of similar products. It is also important to find the right SDS when the trade name has changed.
For example the administrator has updated/replaced the SDS with the new SDS for the same product, and the operator will not recognise the new trade name. When the operator/read-user search the Intern number he will always get the right SDS.
This is very important for us.
A supplement was released after the new designs 1st release that enabled users to search for global internal number as well as local internal number. The column internal number (global) was added to the show/hide columns list.
The next update in the new design will include more search functionality (advanced) that gives the user more flexibility when searching for products in the inventory.