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Registrering the amounts of consumed and stored chemical for evaluations of risk when using the chemical

In a list of Chemicals at a specific location there is an option under the administration icon:  registering a change in the amount of the respective Chemical. The change in the amount is automatically transfered to the option: risk assessment of the Chemical. An alternative option could be registering the yearly consume of the Chemical and the amount of the Chemical in Stock. The both information should then be automatically transfered and Applied /included in the evaluation of risk when using the Chemical (risk assessment).

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2018
  • Under consideration
  • May 7, 2018

    Admin response

    This function already exists in our applications. Select "edit product information" and you will find the field for annual consumption. This data is presented in your risk assessment in the same way as amounts registered.

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    • Guest commented
      August 16, 2018 10:17

      As mentioned in our proposal, we want to have the amount of the chemical on stock or stored registered in the same manner.