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Per today Eco archive covers chemicals onsite or on the way in to a company.
However most companies also produce waste
Most of the information required now by the environment agency for declaring the production of waste digitally is already in the system, and this is product specific (In other words an SDS)
Section 1.2 1,3 (Identification of the substance / preparation, usage and of the company)
Section 13 (Instructions for disposal and waste codes)
Section 14 (Transport information, ADR/RID number etc)
Can Eco archive and Miljødirektorat ( have a smooth integration which covers chemicals (waste) on the way out of a company ? Perhaps including the printing of transport labels.
Thank you for your contribution. We really appreciate your idea, but at the moment this suggestion is not applicable.
Please keep up the good work and continue to share your ideas with us.
Kind Regards, the EcoOnline Production Team