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Report generator - add fields

Report generator seems to add search fields directly from the SDSs. For instance, in standard view in EcoOnline, there is a field called "revised date", which seemingly gives the revision date of the SDS. However, the "revised" date in report generator only give this field if it exists in the SDS (which not always is the case). Thus, "revised date" in standard view in EcoOnline gives the "created date" of the SDS if the revision date is not availbe.


The EcoOnline fields in standard view (or other views) should be made available to the report generator. This would also make the fields such as "type" and "method" available, which are not found in the SDSs. Additionally, it would be easier to generate report formats similar to the views in "standard view" etc.

  • Guest
  • Dec 14 2017
  • Under consideration
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