EcoOnline public idea portal

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Local search from local pool - for chemical management

Today, local search is searching among products already added to the archive. All administrators in EcoOnline can add a product to the archive from the global search. However, this makes use of EcoOnline as a part of control of purchase of chemicals difficult.

Suggestion for improvement:

A super-administrator should be the only person who was allowed to add products from the global search to a local pool. Administrators on different departments are then only allowed to add products from this local pool. Then the super administrator in co-operation with the purchase department, will have better control tools in EcoOnline to control which products that are released for use in the company.

  • Guest
  • Dec 14 2017
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Guest commented
      December 18, 2017 12:23

      Feature exists already - available under Users-Groups for System administrators. Global search can be deactivated for the standard write user from there. See page 14 in the User manual.