Submit your ideas or vote for ideas suggested by other users in the community.
All ideas will be reviewed before they are made visible.
Ideas added to the portal will always be considered for upcoming and ongoing projects.
For further information, please read the Idea portal Q&A.
User ideas from us:
1. When you remove a product and choose archive instead of total delete it should be better if all the archived products get saved in a special archive the is not related to the place list. Today if we choose archive on a product it stays under the place list and we cannot delete the list, only rename it. Its not so practical.
2. On the chemical register, we would like to see the hazard pictograms directly in the list next to every product when we choose the view "Product information". Today we can only see the word CLP and you have to stay with the mouse maker over every CLP instead of just seeing all the pictograms in the register.
Regarding the 2nd suggestion here:
This has been requested by many users for a long time and now, finally, in the new design, you are able to see all hazard symbols and pictograms directly in the list.
Initial release was for the read user, but administrators have access as well (to read only functionality).